The compass is a symbol of adventure. Its points leading towards limitless possibilities, its center grounded within our community of learners and the knowledge that we share. The Expeditionary Learning strategies of explore, research, create and construct, connect, reason, communicate and reflect are written around the ring of the compass to show that the choice of strategy, the path to take, is in the hands of the learner. They are linked as no one strategy is enough on its own. What is learned through one becomes the next step in another. Believing that each learner is wonderfully unique, no two paths taken will ever be the same.
These strategies, although presented here in order, are not intended to be used in sequence. At times students will find themselves using just one at other times they may feel that all the strategies are going on at once. With practice, students will become familiar with the strengths of each strategy and naturally move between them, developing their own intuitive sense for learning. Their sequencing of the strategies is dependent upon their purpose.
These strategies, although presented here in order, are not intended to be used in sequence. At times students will find themselves using just one at other times they may feel that all the strategies are going on at once. With practice, students will become familiar with the strengths of each strategy and naturally move between them, developing their own intuitive sense for learning. Their sequencing of the strategies is dependent upon their purpose.